How to embed Mermaid Diagrams in Pelican generated Blog Post

Posted on June 04, 2024 in Development • Tagged with pelican, github, githubpages, python, web, dev

This post shows how to embed Mermaid Diagrams in Pelican generated Blog Post.

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Getting started with developing Android apps in Kotlin

Posted on June 18, 2017 in Development • Tagged with android, gradle, kotlin, android studio 3, dev

This post shows how to get started with creating Android apps in Kotlin language using Android Studio 3 and higher.

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Android Studio Tips & Tricks Series

Posted on April 13, 2017 in Development • Tagged with Android, Android Studio, Tips & Tricks

This post is an on-going series on various tips and tricks related to Android Development and Android Studio IDE.

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How to get SHA1 fingerprint for digitally signed APK

Posted on April 13, 2017 in Development • Tagged with Android, Android Studio, Tips & Tricks

How to get SHA1 fingerprint for digitally signed APK

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Automating Android App publishing to Play Store using Jenkins

Posted on February 23, 2017 in Development • Tagged with Android, Jenkins, DevOps

This post shows how to automate Android App publishing to Play Store using Jenkins on Mac OSX 10.12.3 and Jenkins 2.46.

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Creating Sub MenuItems for FAB (Floating Action Button)

Posted on February 15, 2017 in Development • Tagged with ANDROID, FAB, DEV, UI

This post shows how to integrate sub menu items for FAB (Floating Action Button) in an existing Android app.

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Android WebViewOverlay Widget

Posted on January 09, 2017 in Development • Tagged with Android, WebView, WebViewOverlay, Library, OpenSource, Dev

WebViewOverlay Widget is an OpenSourced Android library that provides a drop-in solution for loading a URL in an Overlay WebView in full screen mode.

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How did I publish Android Library to JCenter from Android Studio

Posted on January 07, 2017 in Development • Tagged with Bintray, Publishing, JCenter, Library, OpenSource, Dev

This article walks through the process of publishing an OpenSourced Android library to JCenter.

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Automatic Android APK Signing

Posted on December 20, 2016 in Development • Tagged with android, gradle, signing, apk, dev

This post shows how build.gradle can be configured to sign Android APKs automatically without manual interventions.

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WebViewHelper library

Posted on December 16, 2016 in Development • Tagged with android, webview, library, open-source, dev

This post is about Opensource WebViewHelper library at Github

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