How to embed Mermaid Diagrams in Pelican generated Blog Post

Posted on June 04, 2024 in Development

How to embed Mermaid Diagrams in Pelican generated Blog Post

Recently, I've come across the need to embed Mermaid diagram in one of my blog post. In this blog post, I wanted to use Mermaid diagram to show various Agile methodologies workflows. I prefer writing my blog posts in Markdown. In case, you are intereseted in learning to setup your own Pelican generated blog that can be hosted using Github pages, checkout my this blog post.

I embeded HTML code in Markdown file as below. This is a two step process:

Import mermaid library

In your markdown file, import mermaid library within <script> tags.

<script type="module">import mermaid from ''; </script>

Initialize the library:

mermaid.initialize({ startOnLoad: true });

Wrap mermaid code in <pre> tag

<pre class="mermaid">
graph TD;
    A[Product Backlog] --> B[Sprint Planning];
    B --> C[Sprint Backlog];
    C --> D[Development];
    D --> E[Daily Stand-up];
    D --> F[Sprint Review];
    F --> G[Product Increment];
    G --> H[Sprint Retrospective];
    H --> B;

Everything all together!

<script type="module"> import mermaid from ''; mermaid.initialize({ startOnLoad: true }); </script>
<pre class="mermaid">
graph TD;
    A[Product Backlog] --> B[Sprint Planning];
    B --> C[Sprint Backlog];
    C --> D[Development];
    D --> E[Daily Stand-up];
    D --> F[Sprint Review];
    F --> G[Product Increment];
    G --> H[Sprint Retrospective];
    H --> B;