Dart `static` keyword

Posted on April 22, 2020 in Dart



In Dart language, the static keyword is used to declare class level variables and methods. A class level variable is useful to declare constants and implement the class-wide state.

The class methods can be called from other classes using class name they are defined in.

Usually, utility classes use static variables and methods to provide easy and quick access to methods and constants.

Using static keyword

Let's take an example of a string utility class, say StringUtils. This class contains a convenience method, say reverse(String str), to reverse the given string . This utility class has a constant dart which is inferred to contain a String value of "oh dart".

class StringUtils {
  static const dart = "oh dart";

  static String reverse(String str) {
    return String.fromCharCodes(str.runes.toList().reversed);

Note: In case you're interested in learning about runes used in code above to reverse the string, then check out my article on Runes.

Running Code

The class level variable can be accessed using class name. In code below, StringUtils is needed to access either constant dart or static method reverse(...).

void main() {
  String reversedStatic = StringUtils.reverse(StringUtils.dart);


trad ho

Few Facts about Static Variables

  • Static variables are not initialized until they're used.
  • Useful for representing class state and constants.
  • Constants names are declared using lowerCamelCase convention.

Few Facts about Static Methods

  • Static / Class methods don't have access to this keyword.
  • Static methods can be used as compile-time constants, and can be passed as parameters to constant constructor. Let's create a class SomeObj with a const constructor:
class SomeObj {
  final String myStr;

  const SomeObj(this.myStr);

Running Code

Now the static method reverse(...) is passed as parameter to const SomeObj(...) constructor.

void main() {
  SomeObj obj = SomeObj(StringUtils.reverse(StringUtils.dart));


trad ho


Dart supports top-level variables, constants, and methods. Usually utility methods are put together in a class of static methods.

In Dart, if such utility methods are not logically related, then they shouldn't be put inside a class. Such Methods can be put at top-level in a dart file.

The above static utility variable / methods can be moved to top-level. You don't need a class for namespace purposes. It's recommended to create a library instead for grouping methods according to namespaces.

//Utility method at top-level
const dart = "oh dart";

String reverse(String str) {
  return String.fromCharCodes(str.runes.toList().reversed);

Running Code

void main() {
  //Moving utility method/variable to top-level
  String reversedStr = reverse(dart);


trad ho

Note: Avoid classes with only static members in it as per this lint rule.


In this article, you learned how to use static keyword in Dart language. You learned facts about class variables and methods, and alternate implementations for utility classes without using static keywords.

Check out the Dart Vocabulary Series for other Dart stuff.

Check out YouTube Video

Source Code

Please checkout the source code at Github here


  1. DartPad: Online Dart Editor
  2. Language Tour

Happy Darting :)

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