Text-to-Speech Flutter Plugin (Android & iOS)

Posted on December 02, 2019 in Flutter

Target Audience: Beginner

Recipe: Using text-to-speech Flutter plugin to read aloud text.

Focus Plugin: Text-To-Speech Flutter plugin: flutter_tts

Goal: We've a card with an image and its description. Clicking on play button will start reading aloud card's description, and stops when done.

Note: This recipe has been added to Flutter cookbook code recipe app as shows below.








Checkout the Youtube video:

Lets's go!

This code recipe demonstrate implementation for Text-to-speech Flutter plugin

pubspec.yaml dependencies

Add dependency for flutter_tts plugin:

  flutter_tts: ^0.7.0


We need StatefulWidget as parent widget since we'll be triggering speaking on the touch of the play button.

  • description is the text to be read on the click on play button.
  • isPlaying is the flag to keep track whether text is being read or not. We need this flag to show appropriate Icon (play or stop) in the card.
  • FlutterTts _flutterTts is the instance of flutter_tts plugin. It's a wrapper around the native implementation for Android and iOS to interact with native functionality. Under the hood, it uses TextToSpeech for Android, and AVSpeechSynthesizer for iOS platform.
class TTSPluginRecipe extends StatefulWidget {
  _TTSPluginRecipeState createState() => _TTSPluginRecipeState();

class _TTSPluginRecipeState extends State<TTSPluginRecipe> {
  String description =
      "The Griffith Observatory is the most iconic building in Los Angeles, perched high in the Hollywood Hills, 1,134 feet above sea level.";

  bool isPlaying = false;
  FlutterTts _flutterTts;    

Plugin management: Initializing & Disposing

Initializing plugin for Android is slightly different than for iOS. We need to detect the platform to run the specific code. Please checkout PlatformUtil to understand how I'm detecting platforms.

void initState() {

initializeTts() {
  _flutterTts = FlutterTts();

  if (PlatformUtil.myPlatform() == MyPlatform.ANDROID) {
    _flutterTts.ttsInitHandler(() {
  } else if (PlatformUtil.myPlatform() == MyPlatform.IOS) {
  } else if (PlatformUtil.myPlatform() == MyPlatform.WEB) {
    //not-supported by plugin

  _flutterTts.setStartHandler(() {
    setState(() {
      isPlaying = true;

  _flutterTts.setCompletionHandler(() {
    setState(() {
      isPlaying = false;

  _flutterTts.setErrorHandler((err) {
    setState(() {
      print("error occurred: " + err);
      isPlaying = false;

void dispose() {

Don't forget to stop flutter_tts plugin instance in dispose() method.

Speaking & Stopping

Speaking and Stop speaking is pretty straight forward. All you need to call plugin's speak(String text) and stop() methods / apis.

Future _speak(String text) async {
  if (text != null && text.isNotEmpty) {
    var result = await _flutterTts.speak(text);
    if (result == 1)
      setState(() {
        isPlaying = true;

Future _stop() async {
  var result = await _flutterTts.stop();
  if (result == 1)
    setState(() {
      isPlaying = false;

Exploring plugin's features

Setting Language:

void setTtsLanguage() async {
  await _flutterTts.setLanguage("en-US");

Getting list of supported languages:

  await flutterTts.getLanguages`

Setting Voice:


Getting list of supported voices:

  await flutterTts.getVoices

Source code repo

  • Recipe source code is available here

  • Code recipe project's source code is available here


  1. Plugin flutter_tts
  2. PlatformUtil

Happy cooking with Flutter :)

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