How to avoid burnout as New Manager

Posted on May 05, 2024 in Leadership

How to avoid burnout as new manager

First, I want to 'Thank You' for deciding to read this article. Second, I'll make few assumptions about you that might have led you to this article. My first assumptions is that you've recently taken up role of managing people. To me recently means that you are in this role about 1 - 3 years or less. The second assumption is about you finding yourself overwhelmed with new responsibilities.

What might have led you to this phase of your career journey. You are trying to play the role of individual contributor as well as managing and responsible for others work.
So you are a new manager? Congratulations! You are the newly minted manager. There could be different ways or paths you traveled to reach to this milestone moment of becoming new manager. suddenly you are in charge of your team. Usually you might have 1-3 direct reports. If you have become manager of the team you were working as IC earlier or you are brought in either from internal transfer or hired into this role. It’s very easy to find yourself trapped into trying to prove your by burning the candle at both ends, but not sustainable. You can pat on your back by delivering or over achieving in first few years. However, you need to learn few skills to become senior leader and keeping your life enjoyable at work and outside.

I'll share few signs to identify that either you burnt out already or at the verge of it. How do you know that you are on your path to burnout? Waiting eagerly for weekends Monday blues starts Sunday afternoon Low energy and dreading about the day ahead Feeling overwhelmed and out of control Can you add more in comments?

Now you know have identified that something needs to change. Let's talk about addressing it and what you can do about it. How can you come out of feeling these low vibrations energies?

Set healthy boundaries

Take a no-thinking-about-your-work time-block. Your brain needs break from thinking one type of activity.

Rest up!

if you get tired learn to rest not quit ~ Banksy

Do something you love - outside of your job

Finding something enjoyable outside of your work day that you look forward to

Be practical

Take up the work that you can actually accomplish in a day Calendar out your work schedule. Schedule break time in your calendar as well.

Ground yourself

Walk in nature or outside of your office. or doodle in between meetings

Embrace context changes

Be mindful about breaking the hamster chase from one meeting to another. Give yourself time to take contextual changes. Take small breaks in between meetings. Move a little

Intential Pauses

Pause when you feel overwhelmed and reevaluate

Believe in yourself

Don’t forget to believe in yourself and your skill-set.



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